UUFM Board Meeting – April 22, 2009  


Present: Bergen, Bloom Dell, Gabrielsen, Halverson, McGinnis


Kris Gabrielsen opened the meeting at 6:40 P.M.


Budget: Bev Halverson reported that COH through April 22 is $1,134.25. Total income for  the month  is $l,625.00. The Pledge Drive as of April 22nd has pledges of $21,296.00. Our target amount is $22,723.00. Bev will send copies of our 2009 proposed budget to the Members and Friends of the Fellowship.


Bernie McGinnis moved that we change the name of our Building Fund to the Reserve Fund. Pam Bergen seconded the motion. After discussion this was defeated unanimously.


Leah Bloom moved that we keep the Building Fund as named and create another Reserve Fund. Bev Halverson seconded the motion. After some discussion the motion was carried unanimously.


The Reverend Keith Kron’s workshop on How To Become A Welcoming Congregation received very good reviews from those who participated. Kris emphasized some of his major points. Education for members on the meaning of becoming a Welcoming Congregation is vital before the Fellowship can be expected to vote on the matter. Leah Bloom moved that a Core Team be formed to coordinate work on becoming a Welcoming Fellowship. Bev Halverson seconded. The motion was carried unanimously.  Tricia Crawford and Patriciafaye Marshall have volunteered to participate on the team to initiate this process. They will look for a third member of their team.  Speakers need to know that we are an inclusive Fellowship and to incorporate that language into their sermons.


The Annual Meeting will be held on May 17th.  Kris Gabrielsen proposed the following Agenda:  l. Vote on the proposed budget. 2. Form a committee to review our Bylaws. 3. Elect Board Members.  4. Elect Nominating Committee.


Our Annual Retreat will be held on July 26th from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. at Tricia Crawford’s house.


Pam Bergen will phone Molly Walker, Editor of the Religious Section of the News Register, to see if she will write an article about our Fellowship.


The question of starting to think seriously about getting our own space came up for discussion. Leah Bloom moved that an Exploratory Committee be set up to look into the feasibility of renting or buying our own space. Bev Halverson seconded. There was a strong feeling that this is not the time to start such a search. However, it was pointed out that to determine what our needs are, what prices are and what we want is a useful exercise and does not commit us to anything. The motion passed by a three to two vote.


Richard Davis has offered to deliver his sermons to us by technological means. It was decided that we are not in a position to accept his offer.


A Background Check Form was presented to the Board by Bernie McGinnis and Pam Bergen. Bev Halverson moved that the Board approve the form for Background checks with the amendments that we discussed, including having a separate page for the social security number so that it can be destroyed after entering it into the background check online system. Leah seconded the motion and after some discussion it was passed unanimously.


Our next Board Meeting will be held on May 27, 2009.


The meeting adjourned at 9 P.M.




                                                                        Respectfully submitted,




                                                                        Pamela H.Bergen, Secretary