Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of McMinnville Service February 17, 2008
·        Facilitator Virginia Arslan welcomed us to the Service and explained that it would be followed by a business meeting. Those wishing to leave at that time should feel free to do so and all who wish to remain are very welcome.
·        The Chalice was lit and Spirit of Light was sung.
·        Bernie McGinnis discussed the Unitarian Universalist’s Fourth Principle.
·        Ellen Howard, Administrator of the Lifeline Lay Ministry in Salem was our speaker. Her topic “Love Your Neighbor and Other Impossible Things.”
·        Megan Smith led us in wishing Happy Birthday to Nancy Nelson, Barbara Valentine, Ronnie LaCroute and Brandon DeMarco.
Business Meeting:
·        Kris Gabrielsen began by announcing that the Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Secretary of State. Walter Gowell, McMinnville Attorney, offered us his services pro bono, and will help us get our Tax ID. He is assisting us in drawing up our Bylaws.
·        Suggested Schedule For The Next Six Months:
·        March: Chuck Howard from UUCS will be our speaker. The budget for 2008-2009 will be presented. Adoption of the Bylaws.
·        April: Nominees for the Board will be announced. This will be our Anniversary Service. On April 29, 2007 a group of twenty met at Beth Dell’s to start the process of organizing our Fellowship.
·        May: Annual Election  and 2008-2009 Budget Approval.
·        June:  Craig Moro, UU Minister, will  be our speaker.
·        July: Beginning of our fiscal year.
·        August: Craig Moro, UU Minister , will be our speaker.
·   Kris asked for a CPA recommendation. Barbara Roush suggested calling Steve Fitzpatrick of  Fitzpatrick & McKenzie in McMinnville.
·   Kris asked for three volunteers to serve as our Nominating Committee.  Elliott Clark and Michelle Cotner responded.
Bylaws Discussion:
Kris proposed to read through the Bylaws and ask for suggestions from the Fellowship.
·        A number of  changes were  accepted. In Article IV, section 4.1 -  Method of Joining : the word “annually” should be added after financially and “as able” after participating.
·        After a good deal of discussion about various sections of Article VIII , and the fact that we were running out of time,  it was decided  to stop the discussion. A meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 27  from 6:30 to 8:30 at Bernie McGinnis’s home to continue working on a final version of the Bylaws. These will be voted on at our March  meeting. All Fellowship members are invited to participate on Wednesday. Failing their attendance members were urged to send e-mails to Kris with their suggestions.
·        The meeting was closed by singing “Go Now In Peace” and the Chalice was extinguished.
·        Kris invited us to have some coffee and to line up for a picture of the group.
·        There were thirty-three persons present; $447.25 was collected and child care had nine  enrolled.
Our next Service will be on March 16, 2008.
  Respectfully submitted
  Pamela H. Bergen