Speaker: Rev. Tracy Springberry

Practicing Mindfulness

Spiritual teachers have been teaching mindfulness for thousands of years. Scientist have discovered that mindfulness is so good for you that put mindfulness in a bottle and package it and advertised it, no one would believe it. We will explore mindfulness this morning.

The Greatest Epic

Creation stories are stories cultures tell to explain what is important, how things work, and where the power is. What does the Big Bang/Evolution creation story tell us what is important, how things work, and where the power is?

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Solstice Celebration

All over the world for millennia, people have been welcoming the return of sunlight at the Winter Solstice.  We will be celebrating the return of the sun with story, singing and the lighting of candles.

A Brief History of Compassion

Where did the idea come from and why might we want to embrace it now?

Having served UU congregations for 10 years, Tracy Springberry is passionate in helping people make meaning in their lives and creating a compassionate and just world.

Hear the sermon